5 Supplements You May Need as You Get Older

If you can get your required amount of daily vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein from foods instead of supplements that’s ideal. But this can be a challenge, even for those who eat a fairly well-balanced diet—and especially among older Americans. If you are concerned about whether you are getting enough nutrients in your diet, it’s wise to talk to your doctor. You can discuss the ideal supplements to take if you think you need more than what you’re getting from food. Our dietary needs shift as we get older, and it’s not always feasible to get all of your nutrients from food, so here are five supplements to consider: Essential Amino Acids You need essential amino acids in your diet, as your body does not have the ability to make them on its own. Fortunately, many foods contain essential amino acids, such as eggs, meat, and fish. However, taking an essential amino acid supplement will allow you to synthesize protein more efficiently and help you build lean mus...