
Showing posts from June, 2019

Do You Know What Each of the 9 Essential Amino Acids Does for Your Body?

It’s no exaggeration to say that as the “building blocks of protein,” amino acids are essential to our survival. Each of the 20 amino acids our bodies need to function plays a specific role in muscle growth, immune function, wound healing, hormone production, and so much more.  There are nine essential amino acids and 11 non-essential amino acids. The nine essential amino acids are considered essential because you must get them through your diet—the body cannot produce them on its own. A deficiency of any of the essential amino acids can compromise your health. Ideally, all of your food sources of protein contain all nine and you’re able to absorb them effectively. Animal proteins typically offer all essential amino acids in the correct ratios, which makes it easier to get your dietary protein. However, you may benefit from essential amino acid supplements if you have concerns about getting your daily needs met. Talk to your doctor to be certain. Let’s look at the n